With all of the anger and angst surrounding the election, I was happy tonight to be reminded of the goodness of my neighbors. We’re all very different yet all get along. We need to take care of each other. Elections can bring change, but being good to each can too.
As we finished up getting flu shots in a drive through clinic, my wife remarked that the last few times we’ve been together in the car for an extended period of time have been for either Covid testing or getting shots. What a year 2020 has been.
Yesterday was a first for me. I ran a YouTube live at work and it went really pretty well. The mic was too hot so there’s some audio distortion, but otherwise I felt like it was successful. www.youtube.com/watch
I love the quirky rituals of baseball. We all need some rituals in our work life as well. Rally caps on the next Zoom meeting! adamtervort.com/2020/10/t…
The Value of Rituals
One of the joys of the pandemic has been the return of baseball. (Congrats to the Dodgers on their World Series win. We’ll get ‘em next year KC!) I’ve started to think a lot about my local team and some of the fun quirks of the game. All sports have superstitions and illogical practices, but baseball is bathed in them. Rally caps anyone? One of my favorite young pitchers would always jump over the chalk lines on his way back to the dugout when an inning ended.
This pandemic is a lesson in Stoicism for all of us
One of the most difficult parts of this pandemic is the feeling that someone needs to be blamed. I get this so much from my teenagers. They are angry, they aren’t sure who they should be angry at, and since we spend all day together in the same house they end up directing anger my way. Man, I wish it were all that simple. I wish just we could simply find who’s to blame and then this whole thing would go away.
While some of us literally need beard oil, all of us need figurative beard oil from time to time. Call it 80/20, optimization, or a life hack; there are often little things that can make a big difference. adamtervort.com/2020/10/w…
We All Need Beard Oil Sometimes
For most people reading that title doesn’t make much sense. You only need beard oil if you have a beard, right? Yes, if we’re talking about literal beard oil. Luckily we’re talking about figurative beard oil, so this can still apply to everyone. I started growing a beard last November, and I’ve kept it going in various states ever since. I’m a guy who has never had long hair so I didn’t have much experience with the difference hair products can make in your life.
In response to my question about the smell of burning food coming from the kitchen, here’s more of Things My Teenager Says: “It’s the burning passion in my heart!” (It was really a grilled cheese sandwich.) 🥪
Like compound interest or other long-term strategies, doing foundational work pays off in amazing ways. We need to find time to do it. Foundational Work is a Long Term Investment