Posts in: 2021s

Take Off Your Shoes When Entering the House

During the years I lived in East Asia I gained a strong appreciation for some of the customs. These were the things I saw in everyday life that had immediate effects, even if they were only small ones. One of my favorites is taking your shoes off when entering a home. Let me set the scene: It’s a hot summer day in Taiwan. You’re dripping sweat as you arrive at a friend’s house.

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Thoughts on Work / Life Balance

I’ve thought a lot recently about balance in life. We’ve all heard about the importance of balance in our work and personal life. That’s a great idea, but with work from home I think that idea has been pretty well exploded. At least for me, I’m not really able to cleanly separate the two. Work is intense and needs focus to do well. I work from home. I also have three kids who have been going to school at home for the past school year.

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Finished reading: Sooley: A Novel by John Grisham 📚

Grisham, you broke my heart with this one. Started so great. Ended so poorly. Fun read though.

Today I’ve thought much about this truth: the larger your island of understanding becomes the greater your shoreline of ignorance is. Living philosophically means always seeking out new questions on the path toward knowledge.

Finished reading: Project Hail Mary: A Novel by Andy Weir 📚

Do I ever love Andy Weir’s books. So engaging. So full of depth with incredible characters. Go get this book and read it.

Finished reading: The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly 📚

I’m a big fan of Michael Connelly’s books. This was a great one. (I usually like the Bosch books more than the Lincoln Lawyer ones, but this book had both of them.)

Jazz Saturdays: Peel Me a Grape

Like any kind of music, jazz has songs that are pretty quirky. One of my favorite jazz composers is Dave Frishberg. His songs are hilarious with layered narratives and lyrics that make you feel like you’re on the inside of an inside joke. Many of you already know one of his songs. He’s best known as the composer of I’m Just a Bill from Schoolhouse Rock. Recently my daughter was deciding which songs she should sing for a showcase in her vocal jazz class.

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I was thrilled that my three kids, ages 12, 14, and 15, were able to get their first vaccine dose today. Still in awe that we have this medical magic available to us.