Posts in: 2021s

Quote of the day: Pressing toward the mark

It is not so much about what we are going through in life but what we are becoming. There is joy in pressing toward the mark. -Edward Dube I often think of quotes like this when days get long or struggles persist. The idea of finding joy in our journey through life is a powerful one. It won’t help us through all of life’s rough patches, but the reminder to try and view life from a larger perspective is powerful and useful.

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I shaved my beard down to just a mustache today. I think it looks pretty Ron Swanson. My kids just laughed and said I look like Uncle Vernon. (sigh)

On Mother’s Day

I’m lucky to both live close to my parents and have a good relationship with them. My kids are probably the greatest beneficiaries. Today we had a wonderful evening together eating BBQ and celebrating my Mom. After dinner my youngest brother was horsing around and shook up a can of soda then opened it. It didn’t explode (he was disappointed, haha) but it reminded me of one of my favorite stories about my mom.

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Remembering Jazz with Bob Parlocha

One of the pivitol moments of my life came in 9th grade when the high school jazz band teacher asked me to join the jazz band. I was the only high school string bass player in the entire school district. He didn’t have many options, so he took a chance on me. I fell in love jazz. It was fun to play, and as I learned and improved I started to enjoy listening to it as well.

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The Joy of Books

Not long after graduating from college, my wife and I moved to Taiwan. We were a short time away from the arrival of our first child, I had no real job prospects after graduating with a history degree, and we both missed Taiwan. Going “home” seemed like a great plan. (Taiwan is my wife’s first home and I consider it my second home.) And it was great. My wife was close to her mom through the end of her pregnancy and the delivery.

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Far better is it to dare mighty things…

It’s been kind of a grey and dreary day. On days like this I think of one of my favorite Teddy Roosevelt quotes: Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Things that make Work From Home better

A window. This is both for fresh air and to look at. If you can swing it, arrange your work area so that the window isn’t directly behind you or directly in front of you. To the side will give you good light without washing out your screen or making you feel uncomfortable with an open window behind you. A door. Bonus points if it closes and can lock. We’ve all seen enough mid-meeting interruptions during WFH.

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Breathe 📚

In the last few months I’ve made a small but radical change: I breathe through my nose. For those of you who have always been nose breathers this probably doesn’t sound like a big deal. I have been a mouth breather for as long as I can remember. Other than knowing that I was a “mouth breather,” it never really bothered me. I broke my nose a couple of times in high school and even had surgery.

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Focus on the end goal, not the shiny extras

During college I played music professionally. It was a wonderful experience and I loved getting to know and work with some pretty crazy people. Jazz musicians in particular can be neurotic at times. (That’s why I fit in so well, haha!) Take sax players. Some sax players never take their horn off. Wherever they go they have their horn in their hand and they are always noodling on a riff or a solo idea.

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