What do you call the two huge grapes you find on the grape plate?
What do you call the two huge grapes you find on the grape plate?
Over the past year I’ve had a meditation practice. It’s one of those things that makes a noticeable difference when I practice consistently but is easy to forget about when I don’t. There have been months when I practiced daily, and stretches when I didn’t practice at all. Recently I’m trying to get back into the groove of consistent practice and it’s reminded me of an important truth: there is a lot of noise going on in my mind.
Things my teenager says: “Is anyone going to fix this reactor with me????”
A hard concept to accept is that nearly everything in our world is complex and requires subtlety to properly understand. Humans aren’t great at complex or at subtle. But if we study history we can get better at it. The Big Lessons From History · Collaborative Fund
It was a race against time: figure out how the heck to get a livesteam going with only a few minutes before start time. Learning new skills can be quite a rush. adamtervort.com/2020/11/l…
The last few Wednesdays have been big days for me. I started hosted YouTube live broadcasts for SpiderOak. While I’ve done similar things before, making training videos, running a webinar, or recording audiobooks, I had never hosted a livestream. It is an exciting project to get started on, but terrifying at the same time. If you’re interested in taking a look at how the first one turned out, here’s the link: https://www.
Never underestimate the restorative power of a nap.
I’m so relieved to finally have a result in the election. I don’t look forward to the meltdown of 45 though. It’s not going to be pretty and could get dangerous.
Here’s a quick little post with a nice twist at the end 😅 An important message for the readers of The Way of Improvement Leads Home blog
Worst feeling ever: finding a single bolt on the floor and having no idea where it came from.