The local movie theater (B&B) has reopened and our family decided to go and see one of the Star Wars movies. I was so impressed with the precautions they took, the way the experience was set up.

We can do this! We can be careful and still have normalcy.

Milton Glaser – Ten Things I Have Learned This is a great essay on work from one of the greatest designers in modern history. RIP Milton Glaser.

One of the seemingly hardest things in our life can be finding silence. The absence of noise is something we have to cultivate in our lives. Why we need an absence of noise to hear anything important - Aeon Essays

I’ve been doing a lot of grilling recently and was excited to learn this tip. My younger brother, who is a chef, did this at a family BBQ and blew everyone away. Now I know the secret too! 🥩 How to Use the Touch Test to Determine a Steak’s Doneness

Starting Can Be the Hardest Part

Recently I’ve seen a trend in my life: it’s hard to get things done. Doing the little things that add up over time seems much harder than before. None of these things are new or difficult. I’m talking about working out, writing, meditating, or reading. As I’ve pondered why, the common thread I see is trouble getting started. The things I want to do are easy. I’ve done them all before, most many times.

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Just back from a couple of days of camping and spending time on a river. Amazing how you can go years without thinking “What I really need is a kayak,” and then think it over and over again for two days straight.

Also nature is wonderful. 🌲🌳🌿

Ah humidity! In the summer you make outdoor work so much more fun. Not only do I need to take multiple showers each day, I never feel fully dry after each one. Thanks for that.

Parenting is a Marathon

This morning I listened as my son sat at the piano and played classical music. He’s 13, quite a talented pianist, and has come as far as he has because of great work ethic. But part of his success comes from the encouragement of his parents too. My wife isn’t a musician herself, but she knows that success in any field only comes from practice. She has been the dominant force in getting all of our kids to practice their instruments.

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The Magic of PTO

I started working at SpiderOak back before we had an HR department or many formal company policies. Most of us were contractors. Since we didn’t have other benefits, we had “unlimited time off.” (This was pretty popular in the startup world back then.) The idea is great; take as much time as you need! The thing the company values is you getting your work done, not counting your hours at work. In practice I found that to be true.

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Far from Commonplace Fathers

Fatherhood is one of the most difficult and noble acts in a man’s life. Not every man has the chance to be a biological father, but any man can act as like a father to the young men and women around him. Fathers are vital, on both a personal and a community level. As a father of three, this is a bit terrifying. I worry that I will fall short or miss an important moment in my kids’ lives.

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